This page is a digest of translated information written on other pages in Japanese.
Who we are
We are the Japanese private organization named Sexual Health Initiative, which conducts activities related to sexology and sexual health in Japanese.
- VISION (Worldview we want to achieve)
A world where everyone is happy to be who they are, rather than the way they were born to be being the reason for their difficulty in living. |
- MSSION (the mission to realize the vision)
Update the social environment so that people can enjoy sexual health no matter where they go. |
2009 | "Link-R" established as a private organization to address adolescent health |
2012 | First time involved in the management of the World Sexual Health Day in Tokyo, proposed by the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS). |
2013 | Launching a project for parents' classes. Providing time for couples who are about to give birth to think about communication between them at local governments and obstetrics and gynecology hospitals. In the course of listening to adolescent junior and senior high school students, we felt the great influence of their parents from their childhood, which led us to start this project. (until 2019) |
2013 | Web radio “After School Mood” started live streaming on Ustream Live every Wednesday at 23:00. (until 2015) |
2015 | Opened a drop-in service center "CHICASIESTA co-ba Chofu" every Wednesday afternoon for adolescent people. (until 2016) |
2021 | Reorganized "Link-R" to "Sexual Health Initiative" and its services was changed to what it is today. |
We position each of our services as a concrete means to realize our vision and mission.
What to deliver to whom?
[1] For Interpersonal Assistance Professionals, The topic of "Attitudes for the Topic of Sexuality." |
[2] For those working in sexuality education, the topics of "dignity," "rights," and "comprehensive sexuality education." |
[3] For All Ordinary People, The word for healthy relationships: "I am OK, you are OK too." |
How to deliver?
[1] BOOKS | - Publication and sale of original books by us - Sale of books published by other publishers |
[2] TRAINING | *Details in preparation |
[3] EVENTS | - Organizing once a year (World Sexual Health Day in Tokyo, International Day of the Sexologist) - Hosting workshops - Exhibit at a booth |
[4] ITEMS | - sticker - pencil others... |
[5] THE 3rd PLACE | *Details in preparation |
Further Information
Check out our SNS. Most of the posts are in Japanese, but occasionally there will be posts in English.
Basically Japanese | | |
X (Twitter) | Basically Japanese | |
Basically Japanese | |